On Wednesday 22 of November, the ambassadors of eTwinning in Cyprus offered an information afternoon for over 30 educators. The workshop took place in Larnaka and our organization participated in the workshop in order to obtain more information about eTwinning but also to share our own information and experience with other educators. One piece of information that was transmitted to all was that the eTwinning platform is going to pass to the last step of its change which is to finally join ESEP as part of Erasmus+ (30 of November). The ambassadors recognized the problems that the platform encountered during the last 2 years but were also optimistic about its future. Anyone registered in ESEP is also registered to etwinning and can enjoy classes, webinars, educational tools for the classroom, but also find online projects and partners to enhance their everyday work.
What does eTwinning offer?
eTwinning is the community for schools in Europe. It offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe.
eTwinning promotes school collaboration in Europe using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by providing support, tools and services for schools. eTwinning also offers opportunities for free and continuing online professional development for educators.
At the heart of eTwinning are collaborative projects that are carried out at least by two schools. The projects can have any topic, but they should have a good balance of ICT use and classroom activities and should preferably fit into the national curricula of the schools participating in the project. The exemplary projects are awarded National and European Quality Labels or receive the highest recognition by becoming one of the eTwinning Prize winners.
eTwinning offers a range of online professional development opportunities at European level for all members of the community. From experienced eTwinners to new members, everyone has the opportunity to progress professionally in eTwinning.
Several online tools facilitate the work of eTwinners. Start by exploring the public eTwinning portal and read news and project examples from across the eTwinning network. There you can also register if you do not yet have an account. Once you have an account, you can enter eTwinning Live, the meeting place for eTwinners: here you can attend or create events; develop projects; join or create groups for exchange of information and best practices on various topics; participate in partner forums; and then take part in learning events that will improve your professional development.
Once you are involved in a project, you will have access to TwinSpace, a safe online room where the project partners work together for the successful completion of their project.
So, try joining in and be part of the biggest community of schools and educators in Europe while at the same time enjoy all the tools offered by the platform. For more information:https://school-education.ec.europa.eu/en/etwinning